All Classes Cancelled Wed. 1/17/18

Wednesday 1/17/18 Status: WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR ALL CLASSES TODAY. We waited to see if road and sidewalk conditions would be good enough by afternoon, but its just not safe enough. Please make up any class missed today. From GCPD moments ago: " We are working 54 traffic calls right now, and have worked 567 traffic calls since midnight. 14 intersections throughout the county remain closed. Conditions have not improved much, and any melting that has occurred will re-freeze. We continue to recommend staying off the roads!"

Inclement Weather Friday 12/8

**9:00PM Update**: All Classes for Saturday Dec.9th are cancelled due to the road conditions, and current power outage. Samurai Santa is rescheduled for next Saturday Dec.16th.

Due to the expected winter weather this evening and current traffic situation, we will be closed for all classes on Friday, December 8th.

Regarding Saturday 12/9 classes, please check back tonight at 9PM for an update.  If we are unable to open tomorrow, Samurai Santa will be rescheduled for Saturday 12/16. 

Sorry for any inconvenience, and please try to make up any missed classes in December or January.

December Important Dates

--December Test Dates:  Saturday Dec. 2nd, and 16th.

--Kishi Kai Tues Dec. 5th:  For Black Belts Only.

--Samurai Santa Visit:  ***REscheduled to Saturday Dec.16th  during Children's Classes***

--Junior/Intermediate Bowling Party:  Sunday, December 10th.  Sign up in the office.

--Adult Holiday Party:  Saturday Dec. 16th


Save the Dates:

Kangeiko:  Sat. January 20th.

Summer Camp 2018:  June 8th, 9th, 10th


Special Seminar - Saturday, Nov. 18th

Please join us for a special seminar from Okinawa, Japan, 8th degree black belt Tanaka Yuetsu Sensei.  He will teach all children C, D, E as well all Junior/Intermediate/Adults.  Please make plans to attend this special seminar!  Please follow the schedule below: 

Class Schedule For Tanaka Sensei’s Visit

9:00am~9:45am:  A & B  (9:40~9:45, Photos)

9:40am~10:30am:  C, D, & E

10:30am~11:35am:  Jr/Inter/Adult: White~Brown-Green (11:30~11:35, Photos)

11:30am~1:00pm:  Jr/Inter/Adult: Brown-Gold ~Black Belt